Bella Saphira

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Bella Saphira Veronica Simanjuntak or more popular with the name of Bella Saphira, was born in Magelang, Central Java, 6 August 1973.She is known as a star with the world and sing akting.

In Italian, Bella has a beautiful meaning, Saphira are the name of the type of beautiful stones (sapphire). Veronica is also her name , making them familiar with the Ica calls during the Play Groups.

In 1988, Bella was selected to be finalists Sampul Girls, and a number of bids appear to be a model for advertising various products. And subsequent performance as Lux Favorite Stars.

Besides, Bella also known as Singer and never reach the degree finalist Voice of Asia in 1991. Bella album of them titled Nostalgia SMA (1996), Prambors indo 8 (Single) (1993), Voice of Asia (Single) (1992) and Lo heart (album) (2005).

Until this time, Bella is not yet married, but in the journey of his life she had been the beloved Adjie Massaid almost 2 years.

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