15 Foto hantu yang Gentayangan

1.”The Brown Lady” of Raynham Hall

"The Brown Lady" of Raynham Hall

2.Kursi Favoritnya

Kursi Favoritnya
3.Kembalinya Freddy Jackson

Kembalinya Freddy Jackson
4.Hantu di Tangga Museum Nasional, Greenwich, England

Hantu di Tangga Museum Nasional, Greenwich, England

5.Darn Backseat Drivers!

Darn Backseat Drivers
6.What Do You Want On Your Tombstone?
What Do You Want On Your Tombstone

7.Hantu Gadis Kecil yg Terbakar

Hantu Gadis Kecil yg Terbakar
Hantu di Pekuburan Bachelors Grove, Chicago9.”And the sea gave up the dead which were in it.

And the sea gave up the dead which were in it

10.Hantu di Gereja

Hantu di Gereja
11.Hantu Anak Kecil di Kuburan
Hantu Anak Kecil di Kuburan

12.London’s St. Botolph’s Chruch Ghost

London's St. Botolph's Chruch Ghost
13.Church Minister Ghost

Church Minister Ghost
14.Grandfather Ghost Standing Behind Grandmother
Grandfather Ghost Standing Behind Grandmother

15.Railroad Crossing Ghost in San Antonio, Texas

Railroad Crossing Ghost in San Antonio
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