Rihanna Given Chris Brown's Award in BET Awards Mix-Up

Slip ups are common at awards shows. It's all live so mistakes are bound to happen and last night's BET Awards was no exception. Chris Brown won a total of 5 trophies but because of an error half-way through the show, one of his awards was accidentally given to his ex-girlfriend, Rihanna. Talk about a big WHOOPS!

While the audience and viewers anxiously awaited the results on the winner of the Coca-Cola Viewers' Choice Award, the presenter, Tiffany Green, squinted while looking into the teleprompter and said, "And the winner is . . .Chris Brown?"
But before Brown could go up and claim his award Green quickly chimed in, "I'm sorry . . . Rihanna!" Fortunately Rihanna was unable to attend the ceremony (bet she was glad she missed out on this), so Drake accepted the award on her behalf stating, "Well, this is awkward," to the audience. You would think that little slip up would be enough for the night, but the mistakes just kept on coming. At the end of the show, host Kevin Hart announced that Brown had actually won the award that had been given to Rihanna. Would someone please get their facts straight before just blurting out names at these things? Next they'll be having Jennifer Aniston presenting an award that Angelina Jolie wins. I bet that would be some congratulatory hug up on stage.

Who is to blame for this incredibly awkward error? BET's President of Music Programming and Specials, Stephen Hill, later took credit for the mistake by tweeting, "That BET Awards Viewers Choice mix-up was due to human error. And I was the human that made that error. I apologize to all affected."

Source: US
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